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New Arrival

  • 159.00

    This is 8 in1 multi portable screwdriver tools with powerful torch. Extra Heavy Duty Screwdriver Locking Mechanism Lightweight shape, compact design, easy to carry home improvement and lighting tools. It is easily Foldable and gives access to the tool which you require. 3 * AAA Batteries LED Powerful Torch Ideal…

  • 99.00

    NO MORE NEED TO CARRY BIG FLASH LIGHT IN THE DARK Whether you’re out without your flashlight, go to the car or the attic to find something, the power failure at home or the car maintenance failure, etc, a “keychain emergency light” helps you get out of the dark and have light.…

  • 139.00

    Washing machines help us to wash away dirt and germ on our clothes. However, who will be the one to help washing machines wash away theirs? Can you imagine washing machine will be one of the dirtiest appliance at home? : Give your washing machine same love by using Antibacterial Washing…

  • 129.00

    The Dumpling Maker Machine is the perfect tool to help you make perfect dumplings quickly and easily! With a practical 2-in-1 design, you can easily press the dough and make perfect dumplings with this tool. The ergonomic handle provides a comfortable grip and makes squeezing easier. Plus, the flat, smooth surface makes…

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